


Where I write about writing.

Except that my full posts are now on Substack.

Ditch the Jargon

A friend sent me a job posting from a well-known technology company the other day. The first sentence included the phrase “creates top-of-the-funnel content to drive form completes, engagement and establish thought leadership status.” I nearly broke out in hives. My aversion to corporate jargon is exactly that strong. The position objective was to make the brand more “human, accessible and relatable.” Free advice, superstar tech company: You want to sound human? Be human. Relate to your audience. Ditch the jargon.

The Multitasking Myth

The Multitasking Myth

 (This post was originally written for Resonance Consultancy in October 2012) Multitasking is more destructive than we think. And the best antidote is a practice we perfected when we were two.  We’ve been hearing for a couple of years now that multitasking can reduce...

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