by Sarah Chauncey | May 4, 2016 | Memoir, Nonfiction, Resonant Storytelling, Spirituality
The other day, I saw the above photo in my Facebook feed (photo © Kerry Dixon). “Transformation” is a nebulous word, kind of like “sustainability” was a decade ago. Few people identify their primary field as “transformation.” Rather, it crosses multiple sectors, from...
by Sarah Chauncey | May 3, 2016 | Resonant Storytelling, Spirituality, Writing
Transformation isn’t about words. Most of us who work in transformation research, write about or teach concepts that can only be fully understood as a direct experience. It’s about an experience that words can only point to. Yet words are what we have. For most of us,...
by Sarah Chauncey | Jan 9, 2015 | Creativity, Mindfulness, Resonant Storytelling
Novels, J.D. Salinger wrote, grow in the dark. By that, he meant that true creativity comes from the subconscious mind, from allowing ideas time to percolate below our conscious awareness. It’s not just novels, though, that spring forth from the subconscious mind. So...
by Sarah Chauncey | Aug 9, 2014 | Life
One thing that being a writer teaches you: Everyone has a backstory. Everyone is on their own Hero’s Journey. You are the protagonist of your story, but you’re a supporting-to-background character in others’. Understand, as Buddhists say, that everyone you meet is...